We are constantly confronted with challenges that require quick solutions. Be it an important deadline in your project at work, a political event that shakes our country or taking action against climate change.
On the other hand, it is often the right decision to slow down. Not to follow every trend. Not always being available. Not to tackle every problem immediately, but one by one.
It is a balancing act between effectiveness and efficiency. Quality and quantity. Serenity and activism. Preservation and experimentation.
In our region, there are people whose ideas overcome these contrasts. They are down-to-earth dreamers. Relaxed workaholics. Aimless explorers.
We offer a stage to all. TEDxMagdeburg – Make it work!
Digital event live from Villa Wertvoll in Magdeburg
30. Mai 2021 – 3 pm

How to master challenges more successfully
Wie man Herausforderungen erfolgreicher meistert
Find out, how you can meet challenges successfully even on the smallest level and with fixed deadlines or constraints. Motivation, discipline and to follow up on daily routines will help you to become more efficient and successful in those situations. And what impact has taking action in the big picture? What means achievement in life and what’s the difference between successful and less successful people? What do we need to learn to manage a lasting impact in our private and professional life?
Why a change in the school system means a revolution in the world
Warum eine Veränderung des Schulsystems eine Revolution der Welt bedeutet
This worlds progression and therefore the future of human kind is in a great measure determined by our school system. The manner of how kids shape their own life and future very much depends on school years experiences which define them. If they are taught skills and competences, which actually prepare them for living in the 21th century, they will be able to shape a desirable future. But if kids still get taught with principles from the last centuries, you cannot expect them to be capable of creating a future worth living. The responsabilty for a change of the education system lies in our hands and it’s about time that everyone is fully aware of this responsability.

Find the right response within 3 seconds and never be speechless again
Finden Sie innerhalb von 3 Sekunden die richtige Antwort und seien Sie nie wieder sprachlos
Many people are often speechless – be it at work or in our daily life. A superior attacks you on a personal level, a colleague affronts you verbally during a presentation or you get insulted on the street without a reason and that verbal attack hits you off-guard so you remain speechless. For exactly those situations I’d like to share my ideas and experiences with you in being witty with many simple techniques. You will find proper answers within seconds. Many people think of the ability to retort in a humorous way as a talent, but in fact it is a learnable skill.
How to hope in dark times
Hoffnung in dunklen Zeiten
Social change activists are very good at talking about what they are against, but less good at selling the change they want to see to the wider public. Their emotional tools tend to be fear, outrage and disgust, but neuroscience shows us that if we want more empathy in the world – we need people to feel more hope and joy and even humour! My idea, hope-based communications, involves five simple shifts in the way we think and speak that anyone can apply in order to better promote the world we want. Using it, activists can change the narrative in debates to make their proposals “common sense” and create the passionate public support without which big change cannot happen. To that end, Progressives need to be as effective in using modern communications to trigger hope as populists are at triggering fear.

How to master challenges more successfully
Wie man Herausforderungen erfolgreicher meistert
Find out, how you can meet challenges successfully even on the smallest level and with fixed deadlines or constraints. Motivation, discipline and to follow up on daily routines will help you to become more efficient and successful in those situations. And what impact has taking action in the big picture? What means achievement in life and what’s the difference between successful and less successful people? What do we need to learn to manage a lasting impact in our private and professional life?

Why a change in the school system means a revolution in the world
Warum eine Veränderung des Schulsystems eine Revolution der Welt bedeutet
This worlds progression and therefore the future of human kind is in a great measure determined by our school system. The manner of how kids shape their own life and future very much depends on school years experiences which define them. If they are taught skills and competences, which actually prepare them for living in the 21th century, they will be able to shape a desirable future. But if kids still get taught with principles from the last centuries, you cannot expect them to be capable of creating a future worth living. The responsabilty for a change of the education system lies in our hands and it’s about time that everyone is fully aware of this responsability.

Find the right response within 3 seconds and never be speechless again
Finden Sie innerhalb von 3 Sekunden die richtige Antwort und seien Sie nie wieder sprachlos
Many people are often speechless – be it at work or in our daily life. A superior attacks you on a personal level, a colleague affronts you verbally during a presentation or you get insulted on the street without a reason and that verbal attack hits you off-guard so you remain speechless. For exactly those situations I’d like to share my ideas and experiences with you in being witty with many simple techniques. You will find proper answers within seconds. Many people think of the ability to retort in a humorous way as a talent, but in fact it is a learnable skill.

Love More – What one year abroad taught me
Liebe mehr – Was mir ein Jahr im Ausland beigebracht hat
Ein Jahr in einem anderen, fremden Land hat mir mehr Dinge über mich selbst, Liebe und die Bedeutung von Freundschaft beigebracht als alle sechzehn Jahre zuvor zusammen. Manchmal muss du erst richtig aus deiner eigenen Haut heraus um zu merken, wer du wirklich bist, was die Dinge sind, die dir WIRKLICH wichtig sind und dass du dir Familie aussuchen kannst. Ich rede über die Kraft der Freundschaft und ihren Verlust und wie, selbst wenn wir jemanden verlieren oder unendlich weit von ihm getrennt sind, wir doch stets miteinander verbunden sein werden, weil man solche Verbindungen nie wieder aus dem Herzen herauskriegt. Eine Geschichte über Freundschaft und Verlust und wie Liebe das einzige ist, was wir im Leben wirklich brauchen.

Hoffnung in dunklen Zeiten
How to hope in dark times
Social change activists are very good at talking about what they are against, but less good at selling the change they want to see to the wider public. Their emotional tools tend to be fear, outrage and disgust, but neuroscience shows us that if we want more empathy in the world – we need people to feel more hope and joy and even humour! My idea, hope-based communications, involves five simple shifts in the way we think and speak that anyone can apply in order to better promote the world we want. Using it, activists can change the narrative in debates to make their proposals “common sense” and create the passionate public support without which big change cannot happen. To that end, Progressives need to be as effective in using modern communications to trigger hope as populists are at triggering fear.