Tom Assmann
Tom AssmannWissenschaftler, Aktivist
„Warum die nächste Generation des Bike Sharings autonom ist“
Simon Bechtel
Simon Bechtel
Speaker @ Make it work 2021
Thomas Coombes
Thomas Coombes
Hoffen in dunklen Zeiten
Johanna Daher
Johanna DaherJournalist, Editor
The Journarator project
Michael Deck
Michael DeckLecturer, Entrepreneur
„Preserve your dignity, only then can your potential unfold“
Ralf Dounz-Weigt
Ralf Dounz-WeigtSozialarbeiter
Resonanzfähigkeit – wie wir mit Affekten umgehen können
Ben Flohr & Steffen Wilhelmi
Ben Flohr & Steffen WilhelmiMusicians
How communities arise from drumming
Anthony Fisher
Anthony FisherPastor, Musician
„How sex unifies faith and science“
Jana Görs
Jana GörsEntrepreneur
„Don’t fall in love with you own product“
Stefan Hammel
Stefan HammelHypnotherapist, Author
„It is never to late for a happy childhood“
Denis Leo Hegic
Denis Leo HegicCurator, Artist
„The city as a museum“
Victoria Hofmann
Victoria HofmannStudierende, Poetry-Slamerin
„Die Geschichte, die Disney nicht erzählt“
Gramham Horton
Gramham HortonLecturer, Entrepreneur
„How to develop great ideas“
Wladislaw Jachtchenko
Wladislaw Jachtchenko
Finde innerhalb von 3 Sekunden die richtige Antwort und sei nie wieder sprachlos
Raúl Llamas Kirchhoff
Raúl Llamas KirchhoffFounder of collectives, Artist
„The social power of coolness“
Kirstin Knufmann
Kirstin KnufmannAlgae expert, Entrepreneur, Author
This talk is being checked from TED
Lysann Lenz
Lysann Lenz
Warum eine Veränderung des Schulsystems eine Revolution der Welt bedeutet
Hanna Lutz
Hanna LutzFounder, Social entrepreneur
„How a snow storm saved me from freezing“
Joffrey Mabuma
Joffrey MabumaEngineer, Business consultant
„Why Smart Germany can make you feel more German“
Franz Peter Mosa
Franz Peter MosaCoach, Psychological trainer
„Learn how negativity can become your ally“
Eilika Prinzessin von Anhalt
Eilika Prinzessin von AnhaltSocial entrepreneur
„How we can change the education system“
Michael Rother
Michael RotherMathematician
„A journey from a different perspective“
Max Schmietendorf
Max SchmietendorfEntrepreneur, Coach
„How to find you real personal Why“
Sebastian Schulze
Sebastian SchulzeArchitect, Urban planner
„Human friendly city development“
Hannes Tegelbeckers
Hannes TegelbeckersLecturer, Human rights activist
„Use programming to achieve literacy and basic education“
Martha Wiencke
Martha WienckeStudent, Tailor
„A look into my blackbox – life with depression“